Ancient treasure caves in Israel
When you come to the Israel museum of archeology – you will find 3 amazing displays of caves - treasure caves. The first is the cave of...

I am ION
Now, that more and more of our students are being exposed into their individual soul paths in the rainbow world of The Mother and they...

Tree and Moon
Tree and moon There is an ancient story about a tree that fell in love with the moon. He sang her songs praising her beauty, he called to...

Come to Peki'in
Come to Peki'in The rain calmed down and I took the opportunity to visit one of our remarkable Galilee wonders - the town of Peki'in...

The ultimate midwife
The ultimate midwife Long before Santa Lucia was made up by the Christians, the Bearer of the Candle was she who the people celebrated...

we remamber the truth
We remember the truth Her name was the dread of the ancient world. Her name was a forbidden one and in any case no one ever wanted to...

Man-Bull Way before the Minotaur was a "monster", "punishment", "men-eater", "abomination" – he was a sacred manifestation of the Black...